The lawyers at Fowkes Rodkey have extensive experience serving individuals and families in divorce, child support and custody matters. Fowkes Rodkey attorneys have handled and litigated family law matters from the hearing officer level, through proceedings before Common Pleas Court Judges and in appeals to the Pennsylvania Superior Court.
When things begin to break down, it is never too soon to begin to protect yourself, your children and your assets by getting valuable legal advice regarding divorce. If the time comes, Fowkes Rodkey is ready to help you through the divorce process.
Do you feel you are not receiving adequate child support or think you are paying too much child support. Have you lost your job or been laid off due to the recession and can no longer make your child support payments. Is your former spouse using your children as pawns to gain leverage over you. Are you a grandparent who wants to have custody rights. Give Fowkes Rodkey a call to evaluate your child support obligations and custody rights.
Divorce and family court matters are stressful for the entire family. Indeed, some say family court matters are measured only in degrees of losing. There is no reason for everyone to lose.
Make the right call and get sound counsel and advice from the lawyers at Fowkes Rodkey.